Stonegate Estate Pavlova with strawberries, cardamom, honey and rose petals


Perfect for a long summer’s evening, this pretty pavlova is like a walk in an English Garden. Sweet strawberries and luscious honey, spiked with crushed cardamom and a sprinkle of rose petals sit on a slightly crumbly, slightly chewy meringue base – with plenty of double cream.

Prep time 25 minutes | Cook time 2 hours 30 minutes (plus cooling time) | Serves 8-10


6 Stonegate Estate Organic egg whites
300g unrefined caster sugar

400ml organic double cream
300-400g ripe strawberries, hulled and halved
4-5 cardamom pods, bashed and seeds crushed
Juice and finely grated zest of 1 orange
1 tablespoon runny honey
A couple of freshly picked rose buds or handful of rose petals


Heat the oven to 120°C/100°C (fan).

First, make the meringue. Place the egg whites in a large, clean bowl. Whisk with a handheld electric whisk until they form and hold soft peaks (You can do this in a stand mixer with a whisk attachment, if you prefer). Keeping the whisk running, add 1 large spoonful of sugar at a time, until all the sugar is incorporated. Continue to whisk for a further 6-8 minutes, until the meringue is thick, pale, smooth, and glossy.

Lightly grease a sheet of baking parchment and lay it on a large (at least
30 x 30cm/12 x 12in) baking sheet. Spoon the meringue onto the parchment, trying to make a large disc with slightly peaked edges – it doesn’t have to be perfect. Bake the meringue in the oven for 25-30 minutes, then turn down the heat to 110°C/90°C (fan) and bake for a further
 2 hours, until the meringue has formed a crisp shell. Remove from the oven and allow to cool (If you’re not using the meringue straight away, store it in an airtight container for up to one week.)

When you’re ready to serve the meringue, pour the cream into a large bowl and whisk until the cream is thick enough to just hold soft peaks. Place the strawberries in a bowl, sprinkle over the crushed cardamom, then scatter over the orange zest and squeeze over the juice. Trickle over the honey and tumble everything gently together. Spoon the cream onto the meringue, top with marinated strawberries and serve with a scattering of rose petals if you like.


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