Raspberry Bakewell tart


This delicious raspberry Bakewell is a real favourite. It’s wonderful served warm from the oven with double cream or homemade ice cream, but it’s equally good eaten cold with a cup of tea. We’ve added star anise to the almondy filling, which gives it such a sweet, aromatic flavour. If you can’t get hold of anise, try a touch of vanilla instead.

Prep time 30 minutes (plus 30 mins chilling) | Cook time 1 hour (plus 30 mins cooling time) | Serves 8–10


For the pastry

40g icing sugar
170g organic plain flour, plus extra for dusting
85g organic butter, cubed and chilled, plus extra for greasing
1 Stonegate Estate Organic egg

For the frangipane

110g unsalted butter
110g golden caster sugar
2 star anise, finely crushed
3 Stonegate Estate Organic eggs, beaten
110g ground almonds

To finish

4 tablespoons raspberry jam
100g fresh raspberries


First, make the pastry. Combine the icing sugar and plain flour in a medium bowl. Rub in the chilled butter cubes until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs (you can also do this in a food processor). Add in the egg and iced water, and stir through to combine. Tip out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and bring it together with your hands, kneading lightly to achieve a smooth finish. Wrap the pastry tightly in cling film and place it in the fridge to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Heat the oven to 180°C/160°C (fan). On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry until it is about 2–3mm thick. Grease and flour a 22 – 24cm round, loose-bottomed tart tin, then lay over the pastry, tucking it into the corners of the tin and leaving an overhang. Line the pastry case with baking parchment and baking beans and blind bake the tart case for 25 minutes, then remove the baking beans and parchment, trim the overhang, and return to the oven for 10 minutes, or until the base is just starting to colour. Remove and set aside, but leave the oven on.

For the frangipane, cream the butter, caster sugar, vanilla seeds, and star anise until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and ground almonds, and mix until combined. Set aside.

To make the tart, spread the raspberry jam over the base of the pastry case, then spoon over the frangipane mix. Scatter the raspberries over the frangipane pushing them in lightly with your fingers. Finally, scatter over the flaked almonds.

Bake the tart in the oven for 25–35 minutes, or until golden and set on the outside and still a little soft in the middle. Cool for 30 minutes before serving.


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