Stonegate Estate Warm egg mayonnaise with spicy chorizo, rosemary and garlic.


Warm egg mayonnaise feels so comforting and nostalgic — plus, it’s one of those family favourites that is both fuss free and filling. We’ve dressed it up a touch with some spicy chorizo, garlic and rosemary, and trust us when we say that it feels like a hearty celebration of wholesome eggs.

Prep time 12 minutes | Cook time 10 minutes | Serves 2


4 Stonegate Estate Organic eggs
3-4 spring onions, thinly sliced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
100g chorizo sausage, roughly chopped or crumbled
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 slices good sourdough or malted bread
Extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of freshly-ground black pepper
Sunflower oil, for deep-frying

1 very small garlic clove, crushed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 Stonegate Estate Organic egg yolk
1 heaped teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 dessert spoon of cider vinegar
1-2 small salted anchovy fillets, finely chopped
100ml sunflower oil
100ml of extra virgin olive oil


First up, the mayonnaise. Crush the garlic with a good pinch of salt, then thoroughly combine in a bowl with the egg yolk, mustard, vinegar and chopped anchovy, then season with a little pepper. Whisk well for 30–40 seconds.

Combine the oils in a jug, then slowly start whisking into the egg mixture, a few drops at a time to start with, then in a very slight trickle, whisking all the time. By the time you’ve added all the oil, you should have a thick, glossy, mayonnaise that holds its shape. Taste and add more salt, pepper, mustard or vinegar if required. You can make this mayonnaise in a food processor following the same procedure too.

Place a medium sized saucepan full of water on the heat. When boiling, add the eggs and cook for 7-8 minutes. Drain and when cool enough to handle, peel and coarsely chop the eggs and place in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of your homemade mayonnaise, the sliced spring onions and a little salt and pepper to taste. Carefully combine.

Set a medium pan over a high heat. Add a dash of olive oil followed by the garlic. Sizzle it for a moment then add the crumbled or chopped chorizo and the rosemary. Fry the sausage for 1–2 minutes or until it begins to crisp slightly round its edges.

Toast, or better still, chargrill the bread over a high heat until its takes on some griddle marks — it brings a great flavour to the dish.

Place a piece of toast on each plate, butter them, then top with the egg mayo. Spoon over the hot chorizo crumbs and trickle over the spicy smoky oil from the pan. Serve at once!


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