Stonegate Estate eggs Pistachio soufflé


This recipe is a labour of love that requires a number of mixing bowls but it’s definitely worth it!

Prep time 20 minutes | Cook time 15 minutes | Serves 4


30g melted unsalted butter for greasing
2 tablespoons of very finely chopped pistachio nuts
1 tablespoon caster sugar approx.

2 Stonegate Estate Organic egg yolks
4 Stonegate Estate Organic egg whites
6 tablespoons caster sugar
3 teaspoons cornflour
1 tablespoon plain flour
1 teaspoon matcha powder
100 ml double cream
100 ml full fat milk
70g pistachio paste (you can buy this online or make it yourself – see tip)


If you would like to make your own pistachio paste take 200g of shelled, unroasted and unsalted pistachios, blanch them in a saucepan of boiling water for 1 minute then plunge them into a bowl of iced water. Carefully “pod” the pistachios from their skin and put them in a food processor. Blitz to a paste and place in a sterilised jar until needed.

Preheat the oven to 160c (fan). Place a baking tray in the oven to heat up.

Brush the insides of the ramekins really well with the melted butter. Sprinkle the inside of the ramekins with the caster sugar to coat the sides. Knock out any excess and place them on a tray in the fridge to chill. Mix the remaining sugar with the very finely chopped pistachios and place to one side for later.

Place the egg yolks in a small mixing bowl with the sugar. Place the egg whites in a large, perfectly clean mixing bowl. Put the cornflour, plain flour, matcha and double cream in a medium sized mixing bowl and whisk to a smooth paste.

Pour the milk and pistachio paste into a medium sized saucepan on a medium heat. Stir gently and bring to a low simmer. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk the hot milk into the bowl of cornflour mix. Whisk to the consistency of smooth double cream. Then pour the mixture back into the saucepan and whisk again over a low heat, make sure you whisk evenly and constantly so the mixture doesn’t catch.

When the mixture has thickened remove it from the heat. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a large mixing to make light, thick paste. Slowly pour the mixture from the saucepan over the egg yolk and sugar paste whisking all the time. Quickly wash out the pan and return to a low heat. Pour the mix back into the pan and stir continuously on a low heat until you have light custard. Remove the pan from the heat and place to one side to cool before you add the egg whites. Transferring to a large mixing bowl over a bowl of iced water will help cool it down quickly, just make sure to keep stirring the mix so it doesn’t set. The mixture needs to be cool before you can add the egg whites.

When the mixture is cool, whisk the egg whites with an electric whisk until they have formed soft peaks. Add a spoonful of the egg whites to the mixture and whisk in to loosen the mixture. Then using a big metal spoon carefully and slowly fold in until just incorporated.

Take the ramekins from the fridge. Carefully distribute the mixture between the ramekins, filling to the top. Level off the top with the dinner knife and run a thumb around the inside edge of ramekins to make sure they rise evenly.

Place the tray of souffles on to the preheated tray in the oven and bake for 14-15 minutes until golden and risen. Do not open the oven until they’re ready.

Serve immediately with a spoonful of pistachio or hazelnut ice cream on top and a sprinkle of the chopped pistachio mix.


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