Far too many people keep pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, and although they are a must on Pancake Day, we make the most of this humble dish year round. It’s one of those meals that makes you marvel at what three core staple ingredients can really achieve in minutes. So, here’s our method for making proper pancakes that feel light and creamy, and perfectly golden, every time – it’s all about the batter.

Prep time 5 minutes | Cook time 10 minutes | Makes 6


100g organic plain flour
A pinch of salt
2 Stonegate Estate Organic eggs
300ml organic whole milk
A knob of butter


Place the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and crack in the eggs. Pour in half the milk and whisk until you have a thick, smooth batter. Pour in the remaining milk and whisk again. You’re aiming for the consistency of double cream. Cover the batter and refrigerate until needed.

When you’re ready to cook the pancakes, heat a large non-stick frying pan over a low heat. Sizzle a little butter in the base of the pan, making sure it gets get right into the edges. Use a ladle to spoon the pancake batter into the pan, then quickly tilt the pan to spread the mixture out evenly.

As the surface begins to bubble and set, shake the pan to see if the pancake is loose, then flip it over with a palette knife. Cook the other side for 30–40 seconds, until golden, then slide the pancake out onto a warm plate. Repeat until you have used up all the remaining batter. Serve the pancakes with lemon juice and sugar or with jam or honey.


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